If you happen to visit on a Monday, you will usually find me mopping floors, scrubbing and emptying trays, and scraping out nest boxes. My main trays get sprayed down twice a day but Mondays we do deep cleaning! Its amazing what my sweet little bunnies can accomplish in a short time!
Or perhaps you'll find me crouched over on the ground trying to take pictures of jumping, squirming little bunnies who want to explore the world and taste everything in sight right this minute! You wouldn't believe how many pictures I have to take of each one in order to get those cute ones you see - there's lots of blurry ones between the good ones!
This week I finally got a little patio made outside my front door so hopefully now I can avoid the mud puddles on my middle of the night check up trips! Nothing like going out in my bath robe and flip flops at 2am to slop through puddles!